[xmonad] Re: Issue 97 in xmonad: xmonad stops responding to keyboard input after running xscreensaver

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Nov 4 07:15:38 EDT 2010

Comment #33 on issue 97 by selfsorted: xmonad stops responding to keyboard  
input after running xscreensaver

I also have the same problem in Ubuntu 10.10 and previously in Ubuntu 10.04  
(I also tried latest version from darcs and the problem is still there). I  
don't use xmobar. The problematic application is Netbeans - after only  
about 1 hour of using it it completely stops responding to keyboard.

My config is very simple. My .xsession:
xrdb -merge .Xresources
nm-applet --sm-disable&
exec /home/artur/.cabal/bin/xmonad

This forced me to stop using XMonad so for me this is a highest-priority  

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