[xmonad] Re: Issue 177 in xmonad: xmonad does not follow ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri May 21 05:27:06 EDT 2010

Comment #40 on issue 177 by donvodka: xmonad does not follow ICCCM and  
ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

I believe this patch has a bug that is only visible after several hours of  
having a
java application opened and working with it (e.g. netbeans), read on please.

Sometimes when running java under *patched* xmonad, after working for a  
while (3
hours or so) with a java application (say, netbeans) I find other  
(especially firefox) to be very slow at gaining focus, e.g. if I switch  
from the java
workspace to the firefox one, it'll take about a second or so to give focus  
to the
firefox instance. If I close the java application then everything gets back  
normal. It gets worst as time goes by, until the java application is closed.

Has anyone experienced a similar behavior? What can I do to troubleshoot  
this? if I
run "top" I see X taking a lot of cpu when changing between WS. Any help  
will be

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