[xmonad] darcs patch: add XMonad.Hooks.PlaceNext

Brent Yorgey byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Mon Jun 28 04:25:55 EDT 2010

For keeping state, is there a reason you need to use MVars and
unsafePerformIO rather than XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState?


On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 08:34:53PM -0400, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> Hi,
> I found FloatNext recently and thought it'd be useful to do something
> similar with where the next window gets placed. I also found
> InsertPosition which did what I wanted, but not conditionally. The new
> hook is a wrapper around InsertPosition that utilises FloatNext's
> conditional ability. Feedback welcome.
> --Ben

> [add-hooks-placenext
> mathstuf at gmail.com**20100624000718
>  Ignore-this: c293bd954de3045729161a7dca1df14a
>  Add hook that works similar to FloatNext and wraps InsertPosition to allow the
>  user to mark that the next (or all future) windows should pop up above or below
>  the current window and whether it should be focused or not. It supplies
>  keybinding functions to toggle the state of each of the flags and a function to
>  force running the log hook (named differently to avoid clashing with
>  FloatNext).
> ] {
> addfile ./XMonad/Hooks/PlaceNext.hs
> hunk ./XMonad/Hooks/PlaceNext.hs 1
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +-- |
> +-- Module      :  XMonad.Hooks.PlaceNext
> +-- Copyright   :  Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com>
> +-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
> +--
> +-- Maintainer  :  Ben Boeckel <mathstuf at gmail.com>
> +-- Stability   :  unstable
> +-- Portability :  unportable
> +--
> +-- Hook and keybindings for determining where the next
> +-- window(s) will be placed.
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +module XMonad.Hooks.PlaceNext ( -- * Usage
> +                                -- $usage
> +
> +                                -- * The hook
> +                                placeNextHook
> +
> +                                -- * Actions
> +                              , placeNextBelow
> +                              , togglePlaceNextBelow
> +                              , placeAllNewBelow
> +                              , togglePlaceAllNewBelow
> +                              , unfocusNext
> +                              , toggleUnfocusNext
> +                              , unfocusAllNew
> +                              , toggleUnfocusAllNew
> +
> +                                -- * Queries
> +                              , willPlaceNextBelow
> +                              , willPlaceAllNewBelow
> +                              , willUnfocusNext
> +                              , willUnfocusAllNew
> +
> +                                -- * 'DynamicLog' utilities
> +                                -- $pp
> +                              , wherePlaceNextPP
> +                              , wherePlaceAllNewPP
> +                              , willUnfocusNextPP
> +                              , willUnfocusAllNewPP
> +                              , runLogHookPlace ) where
> +
> +import Prelude hiding (all)
> +
> +import XMonad
> +
> +import XMonad.Hooks.InsertPosition
> +
> +import Control.Monad (join)
> +import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
> +import Control.Arrow (first, second)
> +import Control.Concurrent.MVar
> +import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
> +
> +
> +{- Helper functions -}
> +
> +modifyMVar2 :: MVar a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
> +modifyMVar2 v f = modifyMVar_ v (return . f)
> +
> +_set :: ((a -> a) -> ((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool)) -> ((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool))) -> a -> X ()
> +_set f b = io $ modifyMVar2 placeModeMVar (f $ const b)
> +
> +_toggle :: ((Bool -> Bool) -> ((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool)) -> ((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool))) -> X ()
> +_toggle f = io $ modifyMVar2 placeModeMVar (f not)
> +
> +_get :: (((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool)) -> a) -> X a
> +_get f = io $ f <$> readMVar placeModeMVar
> +
> +_pp :: (((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool)) -> Bool) -> String -> (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
> +_pp f s st = _get f >>= \b -> if b then return $ Just $ st s else return Nothing
> +
> +
> +{- The current state is kept here -}
> +
> +placeModeMVar :: MVar ((Bool, Bool), (Bool, Bool))
> +placeModeMVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ((False, False), (False, False))
> +
> +
> +-- $usage
> +-- This module provides actions (that can be set as keybindings)
> +-- to automatically send the next spawned window(s) to be a place.
> +--
> +-- You can use it by including the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
> +--
> +-- > import XMonad.Hooks.placeNext
> +--
> +-- and adding 'placeNextHook' to your 'ManageHook':
> +--
> +-- > myManageHook = placeNextHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig
> +--
> +-- The 'placeNext' and 'toggleplaceNext' functions can be used in key
> +-- bindings to place the next spawned window:
> +--
> +-- > , ((modm, xK_e), toggleplaceNext)
> +--
> +-- 'placeAllNew' and 'toggleplaceAllNew' are similar but place all
> +-- spawned windows until disabled again.
> +--
> +-- > , ((modm, xK_r), toggleplaceAllNew)
> +
> +
> +-- | This 'ManageHook' will selectively place windows as set
> +-- by 'placeNext' and 'placeAllNew'.
> +placeNextHook :: ManageHook
> +placeNextHook = do (next, all) <- io $ takeMVar placeModeMVar
> +                   io $ putMVar placeModeMVar ((False, False), all)
> +                   pos <- return $ if (fst next) || (fst all) then Below else Above
> +                   fcs <- return $ if (snd next) || (snd all) then Older else Newer
> +                   insertPosition pos fcs
> +
> +
> +-- | @placeNextBelow True@ arranges for the next spawned window to be
> +-- placed under the current window, @placeNextBelow False@ cancels it.
> +placeNextBelow :: Bool -> X ()
> +placeNextBelow = _set (first . first)
> +
> +togglePlaceNextBelow :: X ()
> +togglePlaceNextBelow = _toggle (first . first)
> +
> +-- | @placeAllNewBelow True@ arranges for new windows to be
> +-- placed under the current window, @placeAllNewBelow False@ cancels it
> +placeAllNewBelow :: Bool -> X ()
> +placeAllNewBelow = _set (second . first)
> +
> +togglePlaceAllNewBelow :: X ()
> +togglePlaceAllNewBelow = _toggle (second . first)
> +
> +
> +-- | @unfocusNext True@ arranges for the next spawned window to be
> +-- unfocused, @unfocusNext False@ cancels it.
> +unfocusNext :: Bool -> X ()
> +unfocusNext = _set (first . second)
> +
> +toggleUnfocusNext :: X ()
> +toggleUnfocusNext = _toggle (first . second)
> +
> +-- | @unfocusAllNew True@ arranges for new windows to be
> +-- unfocused, @unfocusAllNew False@ cancels it
> +unfocusAllNew :: Bool -> X ()
> +unfocusAllNew = _set (second . first)
> +
> +toggleUnfocusAllNew :: X ()
> +toggleUnfocusAllNew = _toggle (second . second)
> +
> +
> +-- | Whether the next window will be placed below the current window
> +willPlaceNextBelow :: X Bool
> +willPlaceNextBelow = _get (fst . fst)
> +
> +-- | Whether new windows will be placed below the current window
> +willPlaceAllNewBelow :: X Bool
> +willPlaceAllNewBelow = _get (fst . snd)
> +
> +
> +-- | Whether the next window will be unfocused or not
> +willUnfocusNext :: X Bool
> +willUnfocusNext = _get (snd . fst)
> +
> +-- | Whether new windows will be unfocused or not
> +willUnfocusAllNew :: X Bool
> +willUnfocusAllNew = _get (snd . snd)
> +
> +
> +-- $pp
> +-- The following functions are used to display the current
> +-- state of 'placeNext' and 'placeAllNew' in your
> +-- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.dynamicLogWithPP'.
> +-- 'wherePlaceNextPP' and 'wherePlaceAllNewPP' should be added
> +-- to the 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.ppExtras' field of your
> +-- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.PP'.
> +--
> +-- Use 'runLogHook' to refresh the output of your 'logHook', so
> +-- that the effects of a 'placeNext'/... will be visible
> +-- immediately:
> +--
> +-- > , ((modm, xK_e), toggleplaceNext >> runLogHook)
> +--
> +-- The @String -> String@ parameters to 'willplaceNextPP' and
> +-- 'willplaceAllNewPP' will be applied to their output, you
> +-- can use them to set the text color, etc., or you can just
> +-- pass them 'id'.
> +
> +wherePlaceNextPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
> +wherePlaceNextPP = _pp (fst . fst) "Next"
> +
> +wherePlaceAllNewPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
> +wherePlaceAllNewPP = _pp (fst . snd) "All"
> +
> +willUnfocusNextPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
> +willUnfocusNextPP = _pp (snd . fst) "Next"
> +
> +willUnfocusAllNewPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String)
> +willUnfocusAllNewPP = _pp (snd . snd) "All"
> +
> +runLogHookPlace :: X ()
> +runLogHookPlace = join $ asks $ logHook . config
> hunk ./xmonad-contrib.cabal 149
> +                        XMonad.Hooks.PlaceNext
> }

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