[xmonad] Restarting xmonad messes up Gnome

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 17:18:12 EST 2010

* On Tuesday, January 19 2010, Ones Self wrote:

>I've recently upgraded from xmonad v0.8 to v0.9.  In v0.8, I was able to restart
>xmonad within a running Gnome session.  This is extremely useful when trying
>out different modifications of ones xmonad.hs file.  However, when doing the
>same in v0.9 it completely messes up Gnome making the Gnome.  Which
>means I need to log out/log in, and kind of defeats the purpose of restarting
>I am using the following keybinding to restart xmonad:
>     -- Restart xmonad
>    , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_q   ),
>          broadcastMessage ReleaseResources >> restart "xmonad" True)
>Is this still the right command?

It did get changed, though I don't see how using the newer version
(does the recompile in the background) will interact differently with

Check here for the newer version:

Could you describe in more detail what you mean by:

>same in v0.9 it completely messes up Gnome making the Gnome.  Which


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