[xmonad] The minimal xmonad.hs has error

Christian Walther cptsalek at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 15:50:15 EST 2010


2010/1/10 Yuliang Wang <jadelightking at gmail.com>:
> The "ghc-pkg check" says
> There are problems in package xmonad-0.9.1:
>   dependency X11- doesn't exist
> The following packages are broken, either because they have a problem
> listed above, or because they depend on a broken package.
> xmonad-0.9.1
> I installed xmonad through pacman in Arch Linux.

You didn't by any chance install xmonad from AUR? Because there is a
package named "xmonad-darcs 20091222-1" and this package has a
dependency to X11-, which is in [community-testing].
If you really want to use this version you need to set up
[community-testing] in /etc/pacman.conf, refresh the database (pacman
-S --refresh) and install haskell-x11 from it.

However, I'm using [core], [extra] and [community] only. The latter
supplies xmonad and xmonad-contrib in version 0.9-2.1. Does everything
I want. The drawback of AUR packages is that you need to take of any
updates yourself, because AUR doesn't handle those. So if you really
want to use it, but you don't update regularly, your xmonad install
will eventually become older than the one supplied by [community].
Which is why I would recommend you use xmonad from [community].

Christian Walther

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