[xmonad] dzen2 not recognized by avoidStruts on non-rectangular desktop

Justin Bogner mail at justinbogner.com
Thu Dec 23 07:39:09 CET 2010

Samir Unni <srunni at gmail.com> writes:
> Is there some way to work around this by manually telling xmonad not
> to let windows overlap the dzen2 instances? I attempted this once
> before, but the method resulted in a gap being present at the bottom
> of my other monitor as well, and the docs said that the code was
> deprecated anyway.

I don't think so. The documentation for XMonad.Layout.Gaps says you'll
be able to do it with XMonad.Layout.PerScreen, but that module doesn't
exist. It does look like this problem has been [solved in xmobar], if
you feel like switching panels.

Poking around a bit more, this oesn't look like it would be too hard to
fix in dzen.

[solved in xmobar]: http://code.google.com/p/xmobar/issues/detail?id=6

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