[xmonad] UTF8 output from xmonad mangled

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 05:25:13 EDT 2010

Hi Norbet,

Which version of xmobar are you using?

In previous versions of xmonad-contrib, utf-8 support was optional;
since 0.9.1 it has been mandatory (and hence your version of xmonad
should support it).

However, in xmobar it is still only optional and needs to be built with
--flags=with_utf8 for utf-8 support.

I use xmobar with darcs xmonad (and contrib) and utf-8 works fine; here
is what I use:

| myLogHook panel = do dynamicLogWithPP $ ivanmPP { ppOutput = hPutStrLn panel }
| ivanmPP :: PP
| ivanmPP = defaultPP { ppCurrent         = xmobarColor "green" "" . wrap "[" "]" . addIndex
|                     , ppVisible         = xmobarColor "blue" "" . wrap "(" ")" . addIndex
|                     , ppHidden          = addIndex
|                     , ppHiddenNoWindows = xmobarColor "tan" "" . addIndex
|                     , ppUrgent          = xmobarColor "red" "black" . pad
|                     , ppLayout          = xmobarColor "sienna" ""
|                     , ppSep             = pad $ xmobarColor "VioletRed" "" "※"
|                     , ppWsSep           = xmobarColor "gray" "" $ pad "Ѻ"
|                     , ppTitle           = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 40
|                     , ppExtras          = maildirs
|                     , ppOrder           = \ (ws:l:_:es) -> ws : l : es
|                     }
|     where
|       addIndex x = (show . (+1) . fromJust . findIndex (x==)) myWorkspaces ++ " : " ++ x
| maildirs = map ($ "/home/ivan/Maildir/") [maildirUnread, maildirNew]

In case you can't see them, there are utf-8 characters in ppSep and ppWsSep.

Norbert Zeh <nzeh at cs.dal.ca> writes:

> Hi folks,
> I'm using xmobar as my status bar and have problems to get UTF8
> characters to display correctly.  I did the following tests:
> 1.  Start xmobar, reading input from stdin.  Type in some unicode
> characters.  Xmobar displays them fine.
> 2.  Add some unicode characters to my loghook in xmonad.  Things come
> out garbled.
> 3.  Instead of piping to xmobar, make xmonad write to a file.  The file
> contents are also garbled.  To be more precise, they are exactly what
> xmobar shows me in the second test.
> So this seems like the problem is on xmonad's end, not xmobar's.  I'm
> running the latest darcs version of xmonad.  Any ideas what could be
> causing this?
> Thanks,
> Norbert
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Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com

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