[xmonad] [patch] WorkspaceByPos

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 12:44:05 EDT 2009

* On Wednesday, September 30 2009, Jan Vornberger wrote:

>Hi there!
>I would like to ask for some comments/tips for improvements on the
>attached patch.
>It probably could use the Maybe monad to avoid all those if/thens, but
>I'm still a little bit unsure when it comes to using two monads at the
>same time (here the X monad and the Maybe monad). So how would this work

An alternative to ErrorT as I suggested earlier, you can also use
Data.Traversable.sequenceA to achieve the same effects if you don't have
to interleave the base monad with maybe monad.

>Also, someone mentioned that it might be better to look at the gravity
>of the window to figure out if it requested a specifiy geometry, instead
>of checking for non-zero position. Does anyone have more details on how
>exactly I would do this?
>Thx in advance!

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