[xmonad] How to find the XF86Launch1-Key reference?

Thomas Friedrich info at suud.de
Fri Sep 25 16:28:06 EDT 2009


I use a Lenovo T61 with Arch Linux and Xmonad.  The Laptop has
this blue "ThinkVantage" Button in the upper left corner.  I'd like to
use this key for toggling my CPU-Frequency.  I've written a little
function in Haskell being inspired by a blog entry by Don Stewart

A) The reference to the key

The function works as it should and now I'd like to bind it in my
xmonad.hs.  However, I just cannot figure out how to refer to this
"ThinkVantage"-Button in my xmonad.hs. I had a look at


which tells me to have a look at:

$ xev | sed -ne '/^KeyPress/,/^$/p'

KeyPress event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001,
    root 0x102, subw 0x0, time 31601784, (329,154), root:(855,155),
    state 0x0, keycode 156 (keysym 0x1008ff41, XF86Launch1), same_screen
    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
    XFilterEvent returns: False

so I know now the keysym and I know its bind to XF86Launch1.  But how do
I find out how I can refer to this key within Xmonad?  I looked into the


and searched for "ff41", "XF", "launch", etc. but no luck.  Does anyone
know, where to look for the right place?

B) Nicer binding

At the moment, I have the following: A file CpuToggle.hs, which is

--- --- ---
module CpuToggle (toggle) where

import Text.Printf
import System.Process

toggle = do
  s <- readProcess "cpufreq-info" [] []
  case (clean s) of
    True -> do
           system "sudo cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 2500000"
           system "sudo cpufreq-set -c 1 -f 2500000"
           printf "CPU is toggled up.\n"
    False -> do
           system "sudo cpufreq-set -c 0 -f 1200000"
           system "sudo cpufreq-set -c 1 -f 1200000"
           printf "CPU is toggled down.\n"

clean :: String -> Bool
clean cs =
    let a = read $ (!! 4) . words . (!! 11) . lines $ cs
        b = read $ (!! 4) . words . (!! 21) . lines $ cs
    in (a < 2.5 || b < 2.5)
--- --- ---

and a file toggle.hs, which is:

--- --- ---
import CpuToggle

main = toggle
--- --- ---

the latter I compile and put something like

    , ((modm, xK_F11), spawn "/home/thomas/toggle")

into my xmonad.hs.  Works just fine!!  Now, well, I just *really* would
like to write someting like

import CupToggle

    , ((modm, xK_F11), toggle)

instead.  How would I need to change the toggle-function in the
CpuToggle-Module in order to achieve this?

Thanks so much!!


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