[xmonad] Focusing On All Windows, Not Just the Master Window

Eric Thomas eric.l.m.thomas at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 12:51:18 EDT 2009

So, where I work, we don't want to have Xinerama enabled since we want to
know exactly where the displays are.

So to use xmonad, I simply set up my .xinitrc to load xmonad, then when I
get that loaded, in a terminal I load xmonad on the second display as
setenv DISPLAY beryllium:0.1; /home/eric/bin/xmonad &

Now, everything works just fine with the exception of switching focus to the
other display.

So for example, say I'm working in display 0. Then I want to change my focus
to display 1. Well, I need to move the mouse over the other screen.
The problem is that I need to first hover over the master window in display
1 before it is recognized that the focus is on display 1. What I would like
is for me to be able to move the mouse to any window and the focus is on
display 1 now.

Is there something in my xmonad.hs that I can edit to take care of this?

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