[xmonad] Automatically move Firefox download dialog

Omari Norman omari at smileystation.com
Thu Sep 3 12:08:46 EDT 2009

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 02:14:50PM +0200, Nils wrote:
> > Is there a way to automatically move this box so that it is in a better
> > location in my screen?

> > myManageHook = composeAll . concat $ 
> >     -- Float apps
> >     [ [ className =? c                  --> doCenterFloat | c <- myCFloats    ]
> >     , [ resource  =? r                  --> doCenterFloat | r <- myRFloats    ]
> >     , [ title     =? t                  --> doCenterFloat | t <- myTFloats    ]
> >     -- more...

This did not work for me. I even tried just adding

className =? "Firefox" --> doCenterFloat
className =? "Firefox-bin" --> doCenterFloat

to my ManageHook. This will centerFloat the main Firefox window, and
most of the Firefox dialog boxes. However, it does not centerFloat the
SaveAs and Open dialog boxes. They float, but they are off-centered with
part of the boxes hidden.

If I match it by title instead

title     =? "Enter name of file to save to…" --> doCenterFloat

it seems XMonad recognizes the window, because if I change doCenterFloat
to doIgnore, I can no longer resize or even focus the SaveAs dialog. But if I
leave it as doCenterFloat, the window pops up off-centered, in the lower
right corner of the screen.

Ideas? Thanks! --Omari

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