[xmonad] Keep a specific window always as a master window

Ismael Carnales icarnales at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 15:48:10 EDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Rickard Nilsson
<rickard.nilsson at telia.com>wrote:

> Den 2009-10-23 11:25:01 skrev Damian <damian.only at gmail.com>:
>  Hi,
>> I would like to keep firefox always as a main window, so that, for
>> instance when I open the downloads window it will be shown as a small
>> window. Is there any way to do this in xmonad?
> I use the following ManageHook to do just this:
>  keepMaster :: String -> ManageHook
>  keepMaster c = assertSlave <+> assertMaster
>   where
>     assertSlave = fmap (/= c) className --> doF W.swapDown
>     assertMaster = className =? c --> doF W.swapMaster
Good ManageHook! why not sending a patch to add it to ManageHelpers?

Btw, I'm now using it in with my new currentWs query (I've just sent the
patch) in my web workspace like this:

    , [ className =? "Shiretoko"  --> doF (W.shift "3:web") ]
    , [ currentWs =? "3:web"        --> keepMaster "Shiretoko" ]

(Shiretoko is the className of the Firefox window in ArchLinux)


> Regards,
>  Rickard
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