[xmonad] darcs patch: New Layout X.L.MultiColumns (and 1 more)

Anders Engstrom ankaan at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 21:04:23 EDT 2009

Sat Oct 24 19:51:55 CEST 2009  Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>
  * New Layout X.L.MultiColumns
  New layout inspired the realization that I was switching between Mirror Tall and Mirror ThreeCol depending on how many windows there were on the workspace. This layout will make those changes automatically.

Tue Oct 27 01:59:32 CET 2009  Anders Engstrom <ankaan at gmail.com>
  * X.L.MultiColumns NWin shrinkning fix
  Fixed a bug where the list containing the number of windows in each column was allowed the shrink if a column was unused.
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