[xmonad] mpc output in xmobar

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Sat May 23 18:20:04 EDT 2009

* jean bonhomme <jeanbonh at ymail.com> [2009-05-23 22:03:19+0000]
> Hello,
> I would like to pipe this command :
> echo -n "$(mpc --format "%file%" | head -n 1)"
> to xmobar.
> I haven't found any infos on how to do it.
> I've tried severals methods but without any success.
> On my best test, I could see the output in ~/.xsession-errors, but that wasn't my goal.
> When someone knows how to do it, please let me know.

Here's what I have for xmms2:

       , commands = [
                  Run Com "xmms2" ["current"] "" 10,

Roman I. Cheplyaka (aka Feuerbach @ IRC)

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