[xmonad] Re: Multiple user setup

Anders Engström ankaan at gmail.com
Fri May 15 11:35:18 EDT 2009

If the the outer xmonad is run as another user (please, not as root!)
that will not be a problem.

There are only two problems I can see and none of them are xmonad
specific. The first one is that you are running Xephyr and when I
tried it the other day I was a bit disappointed with the performance.
It was slow and the mouse and keyboard grabbing was misbehaving quite
a bit.

The second problem is with the global xmobar panel. You may wish to
remove it while watching a movie or something else in full screen,
that will be hard since then you need to change resolution in Xephyr.

If this a development workstation or something and those things
doesn't matter for you, then I think that your idea should work just


On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 17:16,  <mail at justinbogner.com> wrote:
> Rickard Nilsson
> <rickard.nilsson at telia.com> writes:
>> However, I am pondering a different setup, where I only start one
>> Xserver running Xmonad. Then I would let that instance of Xmonad start
>> two instances of Xephyr (a nested X server), one that runs another
>> instance of Xmonad and one that runs Gnome. I could switch between the
>> users's desktops by appropriate key bindings in the bottom Xmonad
>> instance. The first Xmonad instance would run as a separate user, or
>> maybe the root user.
> [...]
>> Do you think this is a feasible setup? Is Xmonad lightweight enough
>> for this configuration? Can the key bindings in the two Xmonad
>> instances be coordinated easily (can I somehow create a "clean"
>> configuration in the root Xmonad, removing all defaults and just add a
>> few global key bindings)?
> This should work fairly well, I would think. The only problem I can
> think of is that the configuration for xmonad isn't configurable, so you
> would need to write one configuration that decided whether or not it was
> the master and set things up differently in that case, which might be a
> little bit messy.
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