[xmonad] Re: xmobar PipeReader doesn't work
Norbert Zeh
nzeh at cs.dal.ca
Fri Mar 13 07:39:37 EDT 2009
> Sorry I paste the wrong version of my .xmobarrc, I do have it in my
> template ..
> Config { font = "xft:Wenquanyi Bitmap Song:pixelsize=12"
> ...
> , Run PipeReader "/dev/shm/lrcfifo" "lrc"
> ]
> , sepChar = "%"
> , alignSep = "}{"
> , template = "%StdinReader% }{ %lrc% <fc=#8ae234>%Mail%</fc> %cpu% %memory% %eth0|wlan0% %battery% [%vol%] %date%"
> }
Hmm, it seems that xmobar's pipereader isn't broken per se, as I just
tried it on a pipe here. Here are a few things you can do to get more
info about the problem:
1) Check whether the pipe you list above actually produces any data,
independently of xmobar. Eg, you should be able to just do "cat
/dev/shm/lrcfifo" and see what is spits out.
2) Create a pipe somewhere with "mkfifo foo" and edit your rc file to
read this pipe instead. Then fire up xmobar and in your terminal
do "cat > fifo". Then start typing lines and see whether they show
up in xmobar.
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