[xmonad] float, match by regex?

intrigeri at boum.org intrigeri at boum.org
Thu Mar 5 05:58:39 EST 2009

Wirt Wolff wrote (15 Feb 2009 23:58:25 GMT) :
> Excerpts from lowly coder's message of Sun Feb 15 15:42:32 -0700 2009:
>> so in .xmonad/xmonad.hs, I see how i can make a window float, by selecting
>> it's title; however, suppose I wnat a bunch of windows to float, i.e.:
>> is it possible to instaed of listing out all titles, specify a regex, or a
>> function that goes [Char] -> Bool ? (for deciding whether to float the
>> window or not)

Here's some bits of code that may help achieving what you want,
although it does not support regexps.

It allows to float a bunch of windows and/or send them to a given
workspace, depending on some X properties. Please forgive my poor
Haskell skills.

data PropertyName = AppName
                  | ClassName
                  | Title
type PropertyValue = String

  myManageHook = manageDocks

      <+> sendTo "Web"        [ (AppName,   [ "Gecko" ])
                              , (ClassName, [ "Epiphany", "Epiphany-browser"
                                            , "Firefox-bin"
                                            , "Iceweasel" ])
      <+> float               [ (AppName,   [ "float" ])
                              , (ClassName, [ "Gimp", "Scribus", "Scribus-ng"
                                            , "Xmessage"])

      sendTo :: WorkspaceId -> [(PropertyName, [PropertyValue])] -> ManageHook
      sendTo wksp ((p, vs):xs) = composeAll (map sendIfMatch vs) <+> sendTo wksp xs
                                       sendIfMatch v = propertyMatcher (p) =? v --> doShift wksp
      sendTo wksp _            = idHook

      float :: [(PropertyName, [PropertyValue])] -> ManageHook
      float ((p, vs):xs) = composeAll (map floatIfMatch vs) <+> float xs
                                 floatIfMatch v = propertyMatcher (p) =? v --> doFloat
      float _            = idHook

      propertyMatcher :: PropertyName -> Query String
      propertyMatcher p = case p of
                            AppName   -> appName
                            ClassName -> className
                            Title     -> title

   <intrigeri at boum.org>
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