[xmonad] xmonad vs. full screen

Sergey Manucharian sergey at ingeniware.com
Sat Jun 6 17:42:20 EDT 2009

On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 12:41:52 -0400
Thomas Friedrich <info at suud.de> wrote:
> In earlier versions of xmonad, when pressing the full screen button 
> while watching a flash-movie, a new window would be opened,
> integrated in whichever layout one was using at the time, and the
> video, now running in "full-screen-mode", would take as much
> screen-real-estate as xmonad was willing to let it have.

Hi Thomas,

I do not see a problem here, since the "not-full-screen-mode" works
exactly as you want. What program do you use to play movies, mplayer?

The other story is that mplayer's window is floating by default

You can add to manageHook:
 ,[ className =? "MPlayer" --> unFloat ]
  where unFloat = ask >>= doF . W.sink


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