[xmonad] Tall layout question

Pär Andersson paran at lysator.liu.se
Thu Jul 16 07:06:01 EDT 2009


I have been using xmonad for a long while now and really like
it. Unfortunately Haskell is still mostly a mystery to me, so this might
be trivial.

I use the Tall Layout, configured like this:

myLayout = smartBorders (configurableNavigation noNavigateBorders $ (tiled) ||| Full)
      tiled = Tall nmaster delta ratio
      nmaster = 2
      ratio = 1/2
      delta = 3/100

This gives me the following layout:

 1 window          2             3             4             6
___________   ___________   ___________   ___________   ___________
|         |   |         |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |----|
|         |   |---------|   |----|    |   |----|----|   |----|----|
|         |   |         |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |----|
-----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

When I have 2 windows I would like to split vertically
instead. Especially on a widescreen laptop monitor the current layout is
not good for things like terminals where I really only need 80

How can I get something like this instead?:

___________   ___________   ___________   ___________   ___________
|         |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |----|
|         |   |    |    |   |    |----|   |----|----|   |----|----|
|         |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |    |   |    |----|
-----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------

If I could somehow set nmaster to 1 when number of windows is less than
4 I guess that would do the trick.

Kind Regards,

Pär Andersson
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