[xmonad] workspace switching and Xinerama

Karl Hasselström kha-xmonad at hemma.treskal.com
Wed Jan 28 04:38:28 EST 2009

On 2009-01-27 17:06:09 -0700, wirtwolff wrote:

> Since last time, regarding your layout question, I read your request
> backward re /unfocused/focused/ I'm hesitant to reply. ;) Hopefully
> I have read correctly this time.

I won't bite if you don't get my question right, honest ...

> The Actions.WindowNavigation module moves focus and swaps windows
> across screen borders directionally nicely as far as I've seen,
> although it's marked experimental. (I'm running darcs version, but
> afaik is in 0.8 too)

It works beautifully! I can move the focus left and right even across
screen borders. Moving the focus up also works.

Moving it down doesn't, though. I see the window border flashing, but
nothing else happens. And shifting windows up and down took my Gnome
panel down from the top of the screen and into the managed grid, which
I didn't want at all. ;-)

(I almost never use the up/down movements, though, so I'll keep this
config since it's much better than what I used to have.)

This is with xmonad 0.8 from the Ubuntu archives, and a config like

main = do
  let c1 = CG.gnomeConfig
       { modMask = mod4Mask
       , layoutHook = layouts
       , manageHook = manageHook CG.gnomeConfig <+> myManageHook
       , keys = \x -> M.union (M.fromList (myKeys x)) (keys CG.gnomeConfig x)
       , focusFollowsMouse = False
       , borderWidth = 2
  c2 <- WN.withWindowNavigation (xK_Up, xK_Left, xK_Down, xK_Right) c1
  xmonad c2

(The complete config is attached in case someone is interested.)

Karl Hasselström, kha at treskal.com
-------------- next part --------------
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.Actions.CycleWS as CWS
import qualified XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation as WN
import qualified XMonad.Config.Gnome as CG
import qualified XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops as ED
import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks as MD
import qualified XMonad.Layout.DwmStyle as DS
import qualified XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators as LC
import qualified XMonad.Layout.NoBorders as NB
import qualified XMonad.Layout.Tabbed as LT
import qualified XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns as TC
import qualified XMonad.Operations as Op
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as SS

data (Show a, Read a) => Sliced a
    = Sliced Int       -- number of windows visible
             (Maybe a) -- focused window
             [Maybe a] -- visible windows
      deriving (Show, Read)

fillInBlanks :: [Maybe a] -> [a] -> [Maybe a]
fillInBlanks [] _ = []
fillInBlanks xs [] = xs
fillInBlanks ((Just x):xs) ys = (Just x):(fillInBlanks xs ys)
fillInBlanks (Nothing:xs) (y:ys) = (Just y):(fillInBlanks xs ys)

instance (Eq a, Show a, Read a) => LayoutClass Sliced a where
    doLayout (Sliced numVisible focused visible) rect st =
        return (tile, Just $ next) where
            wasFocused w = case focused of
                             Just f -> w == f
                             Nothing -> False
            fixLength v = take numVisible $ v ++ noth
                where noth = Nothing : noth
            switchToNewFocused v =
                if (Just $ SS.focus st) `elem` v
                then v
                else map repl v
                    where repl Nothing = Nothing
                          repl (Just w) = Just (if wasFocused w
                                                then (SS.focus st) else w)
            replaceEmptyWithFocused v =
                if (Just $ SS.focus st) `elem` v then v
                else fillInBlanks v [SS.focus st]
            replaceRightmostWithFocused v =
                if (Just $ SS.focus st) `elem` v then v
                else reverse $ (Just $ SS.focus st) : (tail $ reverse v)
            removeDeleted v = map filt v
                where filt Nothing = Nothing
                      filt (Just w) = if w `elem` (SS.integrate st)
                                      then (Just w) else Nothing
            fillEmptySlots v = fillInBlanks v hidden
                where hidden = filter (`notElem` (catMaybes v))
                                      (SS.integrate st)
            visible' = fillEmptySlots $ removeDeleted
                       $ replaceRightmostWithFocused $ replaceEmptyWithFocused
                       $ switchToNewFocused $ fixLength visible
            tile = zip toDraw $ splitHorizontally (length toDraw) rect
                where toDraw = catMaybes visible'
            next = Sliced numVisible (Just $ SS.focus st) visible'

    handleMessage (Sliced numVisible focused visible) x =
        return $ case fromMessage x of
                   Just Shrink -> Just (Sliced (numVisible - 1) focused visible)
                   Just Expand -> Just (Sliced (numVisible + 1) focused visible)
                   _           -> Nothing

    description _ = "Sliced"

-- Shift focus one step.
shiftOne :: SS.Stack a -> SS.Stack a
shiftOne (SS.Stack t ls (r:rs)) = SS.Stack r (t:ls) rs
shiftOne (SS.Stack t ls []) = SS.Stack x [] xs
    where (x:xs) = reverse (t:ls)

-- Shift focus to next unmapped window.
focusNextUnmapped :: X ()
focusNextUnmapped = do
  state <- get
  let visible = mapped state
  Op.windows $ SS.modify' $ skipWindows visible
      where skipWindows wins st@(SS.Stack t _ _) =
                if S.member t wins then skipWindows wins' st' else st
                    where wins' = S.delete t wins
                          st' = shiftOne st

layouts = ED.ewmhDesktopsLayout $ MD.avoidStruts -- make space for Gnome panels
        $ NB.smartBorders -- no border for the only window on screen
          (     Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
            ||| TC.ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
            ||| Sliced 2 Nothing []
            ||| Full)

nextWS x = x CWS.Next CWS.HiddenNonEmptyWS
prevWS x = x CWS.Prev CWS.HiddenNonEmptyWS
emptyWS x = x CWS.Next CWS.EmptyWS

myKeys x =
    -- Go to next/prev workspace.
    [ ((modMask x,               xK_v), nextWS CWS.moveTo)
    , ((modMask x,               xK_o), CWS.swapNextScreen)
    , ((modMask x,               xK_k), prevWS CWS.moveTo)

    -- Move focus and window to next/prev workspace.
    , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_v), (nextWS CWS.shiftTo)
                                          >> (nextWS CWS.moveTo))
    , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_o), CWS.shiftNextScreen
                                          >> CWS.swapNextScreen)
    , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_k), (prevWS CWS.shiftTo)
                                          >> (prevWS CWS.moveTo))

    -- Move focus to other Xinerama screen.
    , ((modMask x .|. controlMask, xK_o), CWS.nextScreen)

    -- Move focus and window to other Xinerama screen.
    , ((modMask x .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_o),
       CWS.shiftNextScreen >> CWS.nextScreen)

    -- Get an empty workspace.
    , ((modMask x,               xK_z), emptyWS CWS.moveTo)
    , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_z), (emptyWS CWS.shiftTo)
                                          >> (emptyWS CWS.moveTo))

    , ((modMask x, xK_BackSpace), focusNextUnmapped)

myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
    [[ className =? c --> doFloat | c <- [ "Git-gui"
                                         , "Gitk"
                                         , "Skype.real"
                                         , "Update-manager"]]]

main = do
  let c1 = CG.gnomeConfig
       { modMask = mod4Mask
       , layoutHook = layouts
       , manageHook = manageHook CG.gnomeConfig <+> myManageHook
       , keys = \x -> M.union (M.fromList (myKeys x)) (keys CG.gnomeConfig x)
       , focusFollowsMouse = False
       , borderWidth = 2
  c2 <- WN.withWindowNavigation (xK_Up, xK_Left, xK_Down, xK_Right) c1
  xmonad c2

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