[xmonad] X.M.TabbedModifier is the Tabbed-Solution

Kathryn Andersen kat_lists at katspace.org
Thu Feb 19 19:56:30 EST 2009

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 02:41:59PM -0500, Adam Vogt wrote:
> * On Thursday, February 19 2009, Dominik Bruhn wrote:
> >3. Sometimes a tab-switch also moves the whole window around. To repoduce check
> >the following: Take a empty Workspace with the "Tall" Layout. Open three
> >console-windows and open some applications in them (ill take top, htop and
> >mutt). Stack all of the to the left (using Ctrl+Mod+H), so that all three are on
> >the same tabbed-stack. Now UnTab the first window (moves to the right) and try
> >switiching tabs (two tabs remain). On every Tab-Switch the Tab-Stack moves from
> >left to right or right to left. 
> I can think of a couple ways to solve this, though I'm not sure which sort 
> of behavior is better (and adding an option between the 3 choices would 
> just confuse everybody):
>     0. keep it the same, but just allow groups to be created out of windows 
>     adjacent in the stack (ie. don't use windowNavigation to pick the 
>     window to merge into)

No, that would be too restrictive from the user's point of view, IMHO.
>     1. rearrange the WindowSet to keep the tabbed groups together, so the 
>     modifier can keep asking the underlying layout to place the focused 
>     window where it would normally be placed
>         - tabbing and untabbing causes the WindowSet to be rearranged

Is this a problem?  Would it cause undesirable side-effects, such as
messing up other layouts or layout modifiers?  Or would it impact
>     2. ask the underlying layout to place group where the 'master' of the 
>     group would go.
>         - you won't be able to rearrange tab groups with the regular 
>           WindowSet operations (M-K,M-J, windowNavigation...), unless the 
>           first tab is focused

I don't quite follow this.  Can you give an example of the behaviour
which would be the result of this modification?
Kathryn Andersen
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