[xmonad] Re: Real Tabbing?

Ismael Carnales icarnales at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 05:37:08 EST 2009

I think the biggest problem here is when you combinate two layouts and
only get one stack, the new opened windows always go to one layout or
get trickier results. Also you track one real focus point because you
get only a stack.

So .. in general terms maybe this could be done by creating a new
window stack in combineTwo (derivating from the orinal stack that is
applied to) and let one layout handle one stack and the other, the
other :) (don't know if it's actually possible). And of course
providing bindings for panel movement.

A more general approach would be the possibility to have multiple
panels in each screen, each managing its own window stack. Here's how
the workflow of this approach could be:

* Create a window, it goes to the master panel of the Tiled layout
* Create another window
* Move back to master
* Apply Mod+Something to make a new panel on it, a new panel is
created with the focused window as it only window. (now mod+j/k don't
work, since you're trapped in the new panel, maybe mod+h/l will be
suitable for changing panels)
* Create a new window, the window is created as a second window in the
new stack.

The thing here is how to decide on layouts, we'have a layout for each
panel, wich I suppose the default layouts will apply, and one Screen
layout that arranges the Panel, but probably for start an existing
layot like DragPanel or TwoColumns, when there are 2 panels, and Grid
when they're more could be used.

But I don't see this coming without affecting the core ...


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Braden Shepherdson
<Braden.Shepherdson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dominik Bruhn wrote:
>> Hy,
>> is there any chance we might get real tabbing support in xmonad?
>> Ill try to explain what I mean by that:
>> I often use the "Tall" Layout. It would be nice If I could take any frame
>> and
>> apply a tabbed layout on it so that I can open several windows within that
>> frame
>> and get some tabs. Currently I cant get this behaviour because I have to
>> select
>> the frames where I want tabbing uppon compiletime and there is no
>> keybinding for
>> switching the tabs.
>> So what I'm searching for is:
>> 1. A Keystroke which makes the current frame tabbed
>> 2. A possibility to shift a window into a frame (so it gets another tab)
>> and out
>> again.
>> 3. The current Keybindings like Mod+{j,k} stay the same, they dont switch
>> tabs.
>> 4. New Keybindings for moving to the next tab in the current frame.
>> Is it possible at all? I'm not into the xmonad sourcecode but perhaps the
>> stack-set datastructure is not the right choice for this features. Perhaps
>> some
>> developers can tell about this.
>> This is the only feature which im missing and which could make me go to
>> ion3
>> because everytime I see a ion3 I love this feature.
>> So, lets discuss!
> I suspect I'm not alone in pondering this one off and on. It's a common
> request. There are some questions of the  interface, whether mod+j/k switch
> panes or tabs, but there are sensible defaults and room for customization.
> Build a TabbedTall layout specifically would likely be a little tricky, but
> perfectly possible. The bigger question is whether it would be possible to
> implement this as a LayoutModifier that could be strapped atop any (well,
> most) other layouts. I suppose it could keep a list of lists of windows, and
> give the underlying layout a list of "windows" which were actually the
> tabbed panes.
> My money is on possible, but it's nontrivial.
> I won't volunteer; I don't have the time to continue with my current
> xmonad-mangling project, ScreenWorkspaces. Taking 5 courses in one's major
> in one term is not recommended.
> Braden Shepherdson
> shepheb
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