[xmonad] Bluetile

Christian Walther cptsalek at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 09:51:42 EDT 2009


2009/8/26 Thomas Friedrich <info at suud.de>:
> I agree, please don't mess up the Xmonad-Core.  I like Xmonad because
> its so different to any other WM.. simple, clean, elegant, customizable,
> and did I mention clean?

Same here. I really think that telling people about tiling is a good
idea, and having a more "beginner friendly" branch like bluetile is
also a good thing. I'm not sure how to put it without sounding rude or
arrogant, but I like xmonad because of the reasons Thomas stated
above, which, for me, includes (or rather means) the absence of
"beginner friendly" features.

>From my point of view there are many window managers that deal with
"beginner friendly" features. Extending xmonads default configuration
in this way would mean that it's "just another WM".
It all comes down to packaging anyway. There are some cool
configurations in the Wiki, why not create a package xmonad-gnome or
xmonad-kde for example? I've to disagree with Gwern here: A normal
user who doesn't know about xmonad probably doesn't want it. So in
case someone selects xmonad as his window manager of choice, there
should at least be some basic knowledge of xmonad and the way it deals
with windows.


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