[xmonad] It won't, no. The exec causes the shell to vanish (so the second xmonad isn't seen at all). Try something like /home/eric/bin/xmonad & setenv DISPLAY=beryllium:0.1 exec /home/eric/bin/xmonad Presuming that works OK, you might want to start both insta

Eric Thomas eric.l.m.thomas at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 07:28:13 EDT 2009

My script is currently the following (I use tcsh).

/home/eric/bin/xmonad &
setenv DISPLAY beryllium:0.1 exec /home/eric/bin/xmonad &

However, the second screen still isn't loading correctly. Does
everything look okay for this?

Eric Thomas


It won't, no.  The exec causes the shell to vanish (so the second xmonad
isn't seen at all).

Try something like

/home/eric/bin/xmonad &
setenv DISPLAY=beryllium:0.1 exec /home/eric/bin/xmonad

Presuming that works OK, you might want to start both instances in the
background and use wait (to wait for both) at the end of the script.  Or
some variant like that---I'm not sure what would be most convenient for
someone running two window managers.

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