[xmonad] Issue 309 in xmonad: xmonad fails with ghc 6.10.4

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Aug 21 05:31:44 EDT 2009

Comment #2 on issue 309 by nomeata: xmonad fails with ghc 6.10.4

I’d like to mention that I applied this patch to the Debian package. Maybe  
it should
be included in the mainline? I think it hardy ever, if at all, causes  
rebuilding and has the advantage of having users complain less often:

--- xmonad-0.8.1.orig/XMonad/Config.hs
+++ xmonad-0.8.1/XMonad/Config.hs
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
  -- | The preferred terminal program, which is used in a binding below and  
  -- certain contrib modules.
  terminal :: String
-terminal = "xterm"
+terminal = "x-terminal-emulator"

  -- | Whether focus follows the mouse pointer.
  focusFollowsMouse :: Bool
--- xmonad-0.8.1.orig/XMonad/Core.hs
+++ xmonad-0.8.1/XMonad/Core.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
  import XMonad.StackSet hiding (modify)

  import Prelude hiding ( catch )
-import Control.Exception (catch, bracket, throw, Exception(ExitException))
+import Control.Exception (try, catch, bracket, throw,  
  import Control.Applicative
  import Control.Monad.State
  import Control.Monad.Reader
@@ -390,10 +390,16 @@
          base = dir ++ "/" ++ "xmonad"
          err  = base ++ ".errors"
          src  = base ++ ".hs"
+        hi   = base ++ ".hi"
+        o    = base ++ ".o"
      srcT <- getModTime src
      binT <- getModTime bin
      if (force || srcT > binT)
        then do
+       -- remove old interface files, just in case ghc6 was upgraded and  
+       -- like the new ones. Ignore any errors while doing so.
+        try $ removeFile hi
+        try $ removeFile o
          status <- bracket (openFile err WriteMode) hClose $ \h -> do
              waitForProcess =<< runProcess "ghc"  
["--make", "xmonad.hs", "-i",
"-no-recomp", "-v0", "-o",binn] (Just dir)
                                      Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just h)

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