[xmonad] darcs patch: Generalize GridSelect to arbitrary elements (and 1 more)

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Wed Apr 22 13:18:53 EDT 2009

* Daniel Schoepe <asgaroth_ at gmx.de> [2009-04-10 00:37:08+0200]
> Daniel Schoepe wrote:
> > Thu Apr  9 17:57:04 CEST 2009  Daniel Schoepe <asgaroth_ at gmx.de>
> >   * Generalize GridSelect to arbitrary elements
> >   
> >   This patch generalizes Actions.GridSelect to work for arbitrary (String,a)-lists. The changes break configurations that used `gridSelect' directly, which is now named gridSelectWindow. As an example for uses of the GridSelect-UI, I included a function to spawn an application from a list of commands(`spawnSelected').
> > 
> > Fri Apr 10 00:33:02 CEST 2009  Daniel Schoepe <asgaroth_ at gmx.de>
> >   * Mouse support for GridSelect
> >   
> >   GridSelect now allows selecting an element by a click with the left mouse button.

Applied these nice patches!

> I'm sorry for accidentally resending the other patch(Generalizing...) as
> well(and the wrong subject), this mail was actually intended for the
> mouse-support patch(Also contained in the bundle).

It's not your fault -- darcs just doesn't allow you to send the patch
alone if its dependency is absent in the repo.

Would you also update and expand top-level haddock description?
It says:

GridSelect displays a 2D grid of windows to navigate with cursor keys
and to select with return. 

Roman I. Cheplyaka (aka Feuerbach @ IRC)

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