[xmonad] defaultConfig?
Dominik Bruhn
dominik at dbruhn.de
Wed Sep 24 12:12:31 EDT 2008
currently I use the following config:
-- snip --
main = xmonad =<< dbruhnConfig
dbruhnConfig = do
return $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig {
terminal = "urxvtc",
keys = \c -> mykeys c `M.union` keys defaultConfig c,
mykeys (XConfig {modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $ [
((modm, xK_space), scratchpadSpawnAction defaultConfig),
--- snip ------
The problem now is: the scratchpadSpawnAction takes the terminal out of the
config. But as I provide the default-Config (which uses xterm) instead of my own
config as parameter to the action the wrong terminal gets open.
What is the replacement for defaultConfig if I want to tell "this" (speaking
Java) or "self" (speaking Python). I tried writing "dbruhnConfig" there but this
lead into a strange haskell-error
Thanks for help
Dominik Bruhn
mailto: dominik at dbruhn.de
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