[xmonad] Re: Problem running Xmonad

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH allbery at ece.cmu.edu
Wed Sep 24 01:02:29 EDT 2008

On 2008 Sep 22, at 18:19, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
> Devin Mullins <me at ...> writes:
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:57:56PM +0000, Arnaud Bailly wrote:
>>> I still do not have workspace switching, but power management is OK.
>> That sounds fishy -- other xmonad key bindings work?
> Yes. At least mod + shift + enter, mod + p, mod + tab. mod+q does  
> not work but
> this seems to be a path problem.
> I have azerty keyboard where numbers are accessed with shift key on.  
> But I tried
> activating numpad and it does not work either.

Still more context (sorry, our mail server bit the dust over the  
weekend).  The problem with the keypad is almost certainly that you  
need to strip out the modifier that represents the numlock key (which  
is "nonstandard" from the point of view of X11, which was developed on  
and for workstations that didn't use a numlock key --- that came in  
only with PCs).

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell] allbery at kf8nh.com
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats] allbery at ece.cmu.edu
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university    KF8NH

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