[xmonad] Re-inserting keystrokes as X events for client

Bárður Árantsson spam at scientician.net
Thu Sep 11 02:59:08 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Is there a way to re-insert the original keystroke as an X event for the
currently focused client in response to a keybinding?

Basically I want to do a keybindings along these lines:

((controlMask, xK_t), submap . M.fromList $
  [ ((0, xK_r), whatever)
  , ((0, xK_f), whatever)
  , ((0, xK_t), <re-send the original keystroke to the focused client>)

so that I essentially have a "prefix" key of C-t for all my rarely used
xmonad commands, but if I need to actually send a C-t to the client I
can still do so by pressing C-t twice.

(I've tried searching around for an answer to this but my Google-fu
seems to be lacking.)


Bardur Arantsson
<bardurREMOVE at THISscientician.net>

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