[xmonad] Re: [Haskell-cafe] ANNOUNCE: xmonad 0.8 released!

Yaakov Nemoy loupgaroublond at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 01:17:36 EDT 2008

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:38 PM, Don Stewart <dons at galois.com> wrote:
>                           http://xmonad.org
> The xmonad dev team is pleased to announce xmonad 0.8!


Fedora Packages have been built for Fedora 9.  They are available at


Which is also a valid yum repo.  There are also spec files and SRPMs
so you can build it for other archs and/or other distros.  The macros
you need are not yet available in Fedora, and that's a whole issue in
it of itself, so if you're interested in doing some building, please
contact me for assistance.

They are on their way to being included in Fedora 9 and 10.  I'm happy
to report that we finally have some packaging guidelines available for
creating RPMs for Fedora.  There is still some discussion on how to
bring these standards upstream to rpm in the future as well.
Currently my xmonad packages are sitting in package review as
hopefully the first haskell rpms to be included based on the new
packaging guidelines.  We're slowly but surely getting there to have
xmonad properly supported in Fedora.  In the meanwhile, please
continue using my repo above, and make sure to give them some extra
good testing.  Once the packages are in Fedora proper, there won't
actually be any changes you need to make to switch to the officially
blessed versions.


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