[xmonad] Call for xmonad.hs

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 21:35:11 EDT 2008

Hi everyone. So a while ago we were discussing how to improve defaults and what sorts of types and functions XM and XMC could provide which encapsulate common behavior, when Devon asked me what exactly I saw being repeated (besides the 2 or 3 examples I provided), and it occurred to me that I really didn't know.

There're ~30 xmonad.hs's here <http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Config_archive>, but perhaps 1/3 to 1/2 are obsolete or don't compile with darcs XM/XMC (at a very rough guess). I'd like more. So here's what I would greatly appreciate everyone doing:
1) Upload your config
2) If you've uploaded your config, update it!
3) If you use someone else's config, why not mention it? I'd appreciate knowing who's using what, so I can count the popular configurations proportionately*
4) If you don't want to do any of 1-3, perhaps you could email me privately with your config?

Thanks in advance all.

* I think it's fair to say that if 10 people are using a particular xmonad.hs, and there's a simplification which could be made, that change should count 10x

ANZUS nuclear Lebed .ch Domination .tm top Amherst USSS Hugo
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