[xmonad] Re: Call for xmonad.hs

Mauricio briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 3 13:36:06 EST 2008

 > Hi everyone.
 > So a while ago we were discussing how to improve defaults
 > and what sorts  of types and functions XM and  XMC could provide which
 > encapsulate common  behavior, when Devon  asked me what exactly  I saw
 > being  repeated (besides  the  2 or  3  examples I  provided), and  it
 > occurred to me that I really didn't know. (...)
 > I think  it's fair  to say that  if 10  people are using  a particular
 > xmonad.hs,  and there's  a simplification  which could  be  made, that
 > change should count 10x

I  think it's usefull  to tell  you that:  I am  very satisfied  with my
configuration  of xmonad. However,  if xmonad  were configured  that way
when I started using it, I probably would not be able to learn it.

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