[xmonad] Re: Call for xmonad.hs

Mauricio briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 3 07:09:26 EST 2008

>>> 1) Upload your config
>>> 2) If you've uploaded your config, update it!
>>> 3) If you use someone else's config (...)
>>> 4) If you don't want to do any of 1-3, perhaps (...)
>> Since I was afraid of messing the wiki, here is
>> mine.
>> module  Main  (  main )  where  {  import  qualified Data.Map  ;  import
>> (...)

> Hmm. Perhaps I am missing something, but where is 'defaultTConf'
> coming from? I don't see it anywhere in this config, nor XMC nor XM.

'defaultTConf' comes from the old Layout.Tabbed. Just
updated my distribution, here is the updated xmonad.hs,
with 'simpleTabbed' replacing the old stuff. I also
had to change the keycodes to new values, although I
don't know why they change.



module  Main  (  main )  where  {  import  qualified Data.Map  ;  import
System.Cmd  ;  import  XMonad  ; import  XMonad.Layout.Tabbed  ;  import
XMonad.StackSet ;

  comandoDoDmenu = "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && eval \"exec $exe\"" ;
  emacs = "exec emacs" ;
  firefox = "exec firefox" ;
  thunderbird = "exec thunderbird" ;

  executarNaInicialização = "\
  \ xmodmap -e \"keycode 108 = 0xffea 0xffe8\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"keycode 135 = 0xffe3\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"keycode 118 = 0xffe4\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"remove lock = Caps_Lock\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"add mod1 = Alt_R\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"add mod1 = Meta_R\" ; \
  \ xmodmap -e \"remove mod5 = Alt_R\" ; \
  \ xset -r \
  \" ;

  teclas  conf   @  (   XConfig  {  XMonad.modMask   =  modMask  }   )  =
  Data.Map.fromList $  [ ( ( modMask  , xK_x ) ,  spawn $ XMonad.terminal
  conf ) , ( ( modMask , xK_d  ) , spawn comandoDoDmenu ) , ( ( modMask ,
  xK_e ) , spawn emacs  ) , ( ( modMask , xK_f ) ,  spawn firefox ) , ( (
  modMask , xK_t ) , spawn thunderbird )  , ( (modMask , xK_k ) , kill) ,
  (  ( modMask  ,  xK_space )  ,  windows focusDown  ) ,  (  ( modMask  ,
  xK_Return ) , withFocused $ windows . sink) ] ;

  main  =  do {  system  executarNaInicialização  ; xmonad  defaultConfig
  {modMask =  mod4Mask , XMonad.workspaces = ["1"]  , focusFollowsMouse =
  False , layoutHook = simpleTabbed , keys = teclas } }


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