[xmonad] darcs patch: Actions.DisplayUI,
for displaying bindings onscreen during screencasts
wirtwolff at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 01:25:12 EDT 2008
This is an XConfig modifier designed to be used with external display
program like dzen2 or osd_cat. You give it a String -> X(), it modifies
bindings so when you use one, whatever your function does with the
string representing that key or mouse binding is sequenced with the
normal action. There's a custom format version too. It doesn't work with
submapped keys, i.e. sequences like "M-x f".
Amazing how something with the potential to screw up every single action
in XMonad never once broke my xmonad. Yay for xmonad's design, monads,
and functional programming!
-------------- next part --------------
Sat Nov 1 22:51:09 MDT 2008 Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com>
* Actions.DisplayUI, for displaying bindings onscreen during screencasts
New patches:
[Actions.DisplayUI, for displaying bindings onscreen during screencasts
Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com>**20081102045109] {
addfile ./XMonad/Actions/DisplayUI.hs
hunk ./XMonad/Actions/DisplayUI.hs 1
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Actions.DisplayUI
+-- Copyright : Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com>
+-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Wirt Wolff <wirtwolff at gmail.com>
+-- Functions for displaying key and mouse bindings on screen while
+-- making screencasts, along with related helper functions. DisplayUI
+-- does not provide a way to display or parse the related X() actions
+-- from files. It also does not display submapped keys, i.e. a sequence
+-- like \"M1-x f\" will only display \"M1-x\". It was designed to be used with
+-- an external on screen display program like osd_cat or dzen2, but can
+-- be used for any String -> X().
+-- (See also "XMonad.Util.EZConfig", "XMonad.Actions.Submap" in xmonad-contrib.)
+module XMonad.Actions.DisplayUI (
+ -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ displayUI,
+ -- * Using a custom UI display format
+ -- $formats
+ displayUIWith,
+ UIFormat (..),
+ defaultUIFormat, altUIFormat, longUIFormat, hsUIFormat,
+ -- * Troubleshooting
+ -- $troubleshooting
+ -- * toString utilities
+ -- $tostring
+ keyToString, mouseToString,
+ modifierToString,
+ keyToStringWith, mouseToStringWith,
+ modifierToStringWith
+ ) where
+import XMonad
+import Data.Bits ((.&.))
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib (keysymToString)
+import Data.List (zip, filter, intercalate)
+import qualified Data.Map as M (mapWithKey)
+-- $usage
+-- To use this module, first add it to the imports in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
+-- Import "XMonad.Util.Run", too, if you haven't already, to spawn shell programs.
+-- > import XMonad
+-- > -- other imports ...
+-- > import XMonad.Actions.DisplayUI
+-- > import XMonad.Util.Run
+-- Choose an on screen display program, such as dzen2, or osd_cat (part of the
+-- xosd library.) You probably want something which accepts text on its stdin.
+-- osd_cat gives a transparent background effect like television OSD's. dzen2 has
+-- an opaque background of whatever color you choose. Define a function from type
+-- String to X() with parameters appropriate for your configuration. Anything you
+-- could bind a key to will work for the value of your function.
+-- For example:
+-- If running the command @echo \"Some message\" | osd_cat -o 100 -i 500 -c '#4f2'@
+-- @ -d 1 -f '-*-terminus-bold-r-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'@ in a shell gives the effect
+-- you are after, add the following @osd_cat = ...@ definition outside your existing
+-- xmonad configuration. Also include a type signature, e.g. @osd_cat :: String -> X()@.
+-- > main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { terminal = "urxvt" }
+-- > `additionalKeys`
+-- > [ ((mod1Mask, xK_F12), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
+-- > , ((mod1Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Return), spawn "specialTerminal")
+-- > ]
+-- >
+-- > osd_cat :: String -> X()
+-- > osd_cat = \ui -> spawn $ "echo '" ++ ui ++ "' | osd_cat --offset 100 \
+-- > \ --indent 500 --color '#4f2' --delay 1 \
+-- > \ --font '-*-terminus-bold-r-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
+-- Using dzen2 it would be something like this:
+-- > osdDzen :: String -> X()
+-- > osdDzen = \ui -> spawn $ "echo '" ++ ui ++ "' | dzen2 -x 500 -y 100 -w 600 \
+-- > \ -ta c -fg '#4f2' -p 1 -h 48 \
+-- > \ -fn '-*-terminus-bold-r-*-*-32-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'"
+-- (Note the \' \' quotes around the ui string, colors, and fonts.) To
+-- see what core fonts and sizes are available, run @xfontsel at . dzen2
+-- and osd_cat do not currently support fontconfig/xft.
+-- Now add a 'displayUI' or 'displayUIWith' line to modify your XMonad config
+-- to run the X() action you set up and have XMonad display user interface
+-- bindings as you use them.
+-- > main = xmonad $
+-- > displayUI osdDzen $
+-- > defaultConfig { terminal = "urxvt" }
+-- > `additionalKeys`
+-- > [ ((mod1Mask, xK_F12), spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")
+-- > , ((mod1Mask .|. controlMask, xK_Return), spawn "specialTerminal")
+-- > ]
+-- You don't have to put @displayUI osdDzen $@ on a separate line, but
+-- it's easier to comment out since you're probably only using this module
+-- for making screencasts. Now if all's in place, simply save the file,
+-- @mod-q@ and you should have bindings being displayed when you use them.
+-- The default 'displayUI' format is very close to the one in "XMonad.Util.EZConfig"\'s
+-- @additionalKeysP@ and @additionalMouseBindings@ functions, but without the
+-- angle brackets, e.g. \"M3-C-S-F9\", \"M4-button3\". DisplayUI always uses "Graphics.X11"
+-- @keysymToString@ to choose what string will be displayed for keys. These are
+-- as in the keysymdef.h file (usually in \/usr\/include\/X11\/) less the xK_ part.
+-- $formats
+-- 'displayUIWith' takes an additional argument: a 'UIFormat' record describing
+-- how to format the user interface binding strings. In addition to the default,
+-- some ready made ones are provided: 'longUIFormat' (\"Mod4-Shift-space\",
+-- \"Mod4-MouseButton3\", etc.) 'altUIFormat' (\"alt-win-F9\"), and for fun, 'hsUIFormat'
+-- that builds strings like \"shiftMask .|. mod1Mask, xK_F4\". For example:
+-- > main = xmonad $
+-- > displayUIWith altUIFormat osd_cat $
+-- > defaultConfig { terminal = "urxvt" }
+-- | UIFormat records define how to display the modifiers, keys, buttons, and bindings
+-- as a whole. The modifier string list, @mods@, is in bit order, least significant bit first,
+-- the same as xmodmap. (caps) lockMask is left as empty string in the predefined UIFormats.
+-- For example, here is the definition of altUIFormat:
+-- > altUIFormat :: UIFormat
+-- > altUIFormat = UIFormat {
+-- > mods = ["shift", "", "ctrl", "alt", "mod2", "mod3", "win", "mod5"]
+-- > , modSep = "-" -- string to separate modifiers
+-- > , lastSep = "-" -- string to separate modifiers from key or button
+-- > , button = "mouse"
+-- > }
+data UIFormat = UIFormat
+ { mods :: [String] -- string used to display each modifier (in bit order 0..)
+ , modSep :: String
+ , lastSep :: String
+ , button :: String
+ }
+-- | Close to "XMonad.Util.EZConfig" parser format, but no angle brackets
+defaultUIFormat :: UIFormat
+defaultUIFormat = UIFormat
+ { mods = ["S", "", "C"] ++ ['M': show n | n <- [1..5]::[Int] ]
+ , modSep = "-"
+ , lastSep = "-"
+ , button = "button"
+ }
+-- | Common names from ms US keys, lower case (\"ctrl\", \"alt\",\"win\", \"mouse\")
+altUIFormat :: UIFormat
+altUIFormat = defaultUIFormat
+ { mods = ["shift", "", "ctrl", "alt", "mod2", "mod3", "win", "mod5"]
+ , button = "mouse"
+ }
+-- | Longer capitalized format (\"Control\", \"MouseButton\")
+longUIFormat :: UIFormat
+longUIFormat = defaultUIFormat
+ { mods = ["Shift", "", "Control"] ++ ["Mod" ++ show n | n <- [1..5]::[Int] ]
+ , button = "MouseButton"
+ }
+-- | May as well have a default haskell format (as in xmonad.hs)
+hsUIFormat :: UIFormat
+hsUIFormat = UIFormat
+ { mods = ["shiftMask", "", "controlMask", "mod1Mask", "mod2Mask", "mod3Mask", "mod4Mask", "mod5Mask"]
+ , modSep = " .|. "
+ , lastSep = ", xK_"
+ , button = "button"
+ }
+-- | Modifies the xmonad key and mouse bindings so that whenever one's used,
+-- the normal action is performed along with a displayUI action that has use
+-- of the ui binding string. displayUI's first parameter is the function from
+-- a binding string to X() defining what to do.
+displayUI :: (String -> X()) -> XConfig l -> XConfig l
+displayUI sa conf = conf
+ { keys = \c -> M.mapWithKey (sequenceXk sa) (keys conf c)
+ , mouseBindings = \c -> M.mapWithKey (sequenceXm sa) (mouseBindings conf c) }
+-- | Combine a key binding action with a displayUI action using the default
+-- "S-M4-Return" format similar to "XMonad.Util.EZConfig" additionalKeysP
+sequenceXk :: (String -> X()) -> (Modifier, KeySym) -> X() -> X()
+sequenceXk sa k f = (sa $ keyToString k) >> f
+-- | Combine a mouse binding action with a displayUI action using the default
+-- "M4-button1" format.
+sequenceXm :: (String -> X()) -> (Modifier, Button) -> (Window -> X()) -> (Window -> X())
+sequenceXm sa k f = (>> ( sa $ mouseToString k)) . f
+-- | Like displayUI, but using a custom format from UIFormat fields.
+displayUIWith :: UIFormat -> (String -> X()) -> XConfig l -> XConfig l
+displayUIWith fmt sa conf = conf
+ { keys = \c -> M.mapWithKey (sequenceXk' fmt sa) (keys conf c)
+ , mouseBindings = \c -> M.mapWithKey (sequenceXm' fmt sa) (mouseBindings conf c) }
+-- | Combine a key binding action with a displayUI action using a custom format.
+sequenceXk' :: UIFormat -> (String -> X()) -> (Modifier, KeySym) -> X() -> X()
+sequenceXk' fmt sa k f = (sa $ keyToStringWith fmt k) >> f
+-- | Combine a mouse binding action with a displayUI action using a custom format.
+sequenceXm' :: UIFormat -> (String -> X()) -> (Modifier, Button) -> (Window -> X()) -> (Window -> X())
+sequenceXm' fmt sa k f = (>> (sa $ mouseToStringWith fmt k)) . f
+-- $troubleshooting
+-- @osd_cat@ refused to use anything but the default --align left during my
+-- testing, so if your display doesn't show, check that. Also, a common
+-- problem from forums is using fonts or colors without wrapping with
+-- \' \', e.g. use \'\#f00\' not \#f00 and '-*-fixed-...' not -*-fixed-...
+-- Key sequences, aka "XMonad.Actions.Submap" submaps aren't displayed. Only
+-- the first key is shown. At some point that may get added, if it seems worth it.
+-- $tostring
+-- The 'modifierToString' and 'modifierToStringWith' functions complement
+-- keySymToString from the Graphics.X11 package. 'modifierToStringWith' will
+-- work on buttonMasks if you add the button mask strings you want to a custom
+-- UIFormat, but xmonad bindings seem to only use key masks so button masks
+-- are ignored in the default 'UIFormat's.
+-- String utilities using a default format
+-- | Build a default format keybinding string. e.g. \"S-M1-Space\"
+keyToString :: (Modifier, KeySym) -> String
+keyToString k = keyToStringWith defaultUIFormat k
+-- | Build a default format mouse binding string. e.g. \"S-M1-button3\"
+mouseToString :: (Modifier, Button) -> String
+mouseToString b = mouseToStringWith defaultUIFormat b
+-- | Build a default format modifier masks string. e.g. \"S-C-M4\"
+modifierToString :: Modifier -> String
+modifierToString m = modifierToStringWith defaultUIFormat m
+-- String utilities using a custom format
+-- | Build a keybinding string using the given format. For example:
+-- @keyToStringWith longUIFormat (controlMask, xK_h) == \"Control-h\"@
+keyToStringWith :: UIFormat -> (Modifier, KeySym) -> String
+keyToStringWith fmt (m, sym) =
+ modifierToStringWith fmt m ++ (lastSep fmt) ++ keysymToString sym
+-- | Build a mouse binding string using the given format.
+mouseToStringWith :: UIFormat -> (Modifier, Button) -> String
+mouseToStringWith fmt (m, b) =
+ modifierToStringWith fmt m ++ (lastSep fmt) ++ (button fmt) ++ show b
+-- | Build a modifier masks string using the given format.
+modifierToStringWith :: UIFormat -> Modifier -> String
+modifierToStringWith fmt mask = intercalate (modSep fmt) $
+ map snd . filter (sharesMask mask) $ zip maskList $ mods fmt
+ where sharesMask m (m',_) = 0 /= m .&. m'
+-- | List of modifier masks in bit order, least signifigant bit first
+maskList :: [Modifier]
+maskList = [shiftMask,lockMask,controlMask,mod1Mask,mod2Mask,mod3Mask,mod4Mask,mod5Mask]
+ ++ [button1Mask,button2Mask,button3Mask,button4Mask,button5Mask]
hunk ./xmonad-contrib.cabal 77
+ XMonad.Actions.DisplayUI
[Prompt.hs rename deleteConsecutiveDuplicates
gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008205131
That name is really unwieldy and long.
[Prompt.hs: have historyCompletion filter dupes
gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008204710
Specifically, it calls deleteConsecutiveDuplicates on the end product. uniqSort reverses order in an unfortunate way, so we don't use that.
The use-case is when a user has added the same input many times - as it stands, if the history records 30 'top's or whatever, the completion will show 30 'top' entries! This fixes that.
[Prompt.hs: tweak haddocks
gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008204649]
[Prompt.hs: mv uniqSort to next to its confreres, and mention the trade-off
gwern0 at gmail.com**20081008192645]
[Do not consider XMONAD_TIMER unknown
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081008195643]
[Kill window without focusing it first
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005002533
This patch requires the patch "add killWindow function" in xmonad.
Before this patch, people would experience âworkspace flickerâ when closing
a window via EWMH that is not on the current workspace, for example when
quitting pidgin via the panel icon.
[let MagnifyLess actually magnify less
daniel at wagner-home.com**20081015153911]
[Actions.Search: add a few search engines
intrigeri at boum.org**20081008104033
Add Debian {package, bug, tracking system} search engines, as well as Google
Images and isohunt.
[Implement HiddenNonEmptyWS with HiddenWS and NonEmptyWS
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081006211027
(Just to reduce code duplication)
[Add straightforward HiddenWS to WSType
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081006210548
With NonEmptyWS and HiddenNonEmptyWS present, HiddenWS is obviously missing.
[Merge emptyLayoutMod into redoLayout
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005190220
This removes the emptyLayoutMod method from the LayoutModifier class, and
change the Stack parameter to redoLayout to a Maybe Stack one. It also changes
all affected code. This should should be a refactoring without any change in
program behaviour.
[SmartBorders even for empty layouts
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20081005184426
Fixes: http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=223
[Paste.hs: improve haddocks
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080927150158]
[Paste.hs: fix haddock
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080927145238]
[minor explanatory comment
daniel at wagner-home.com**20081003015919]
[XMonad.Layout.HintedGrid: add GridRatio (--no-test because of haddock breakage)
Lukas Mai <l.mai at web.de>**20080930141715]
[XMonad.Util.Font: UTF8 -> USE_UTF8
Lukas Mai <l.mai at web.de>**20080930140056]
[Paste.hs: implement noModMask suggestion
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080926232056]
[fix a divide by zero error in Grid
daniel at wagner-home.com**20080926204148]
[-DUTF8 flag with -DUSE_UTF8
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921154014]
[XSelection.hs: use CPP to compile against utf8-string
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920151615]
[add XMonad.Config.Azerty
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080924044946]
[flip GridRatio to match convention (x/y)
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080922033354]
[let Grid have a configurable aspect ratio goal
daniel at wagner-home.com**20080922010950]
[Paste.hs: +warning about ASCII limitations
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921155038]
[Paste.hs: shorten comment lines to under 80 columns per sjanssen
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080921154950]
[Forgot to enable historyFilter :(
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921094254]
[Prompt: add configurable history filters
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921093453]
[Update my config to use 'statusBar'
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921063513]
[Rename pasteKey functions to sendKey
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921062016]
[DynamicLog: doc fixes
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921061314]
[Move XMonad.Util.XPaste to XMonad.Util.Paste
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921060947]
[Depend on X11 >= 1.4.3
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080921055456]
[statusBar now supplies the action to toggle struts
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080918013858]
[cleanup - use currentTag
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080921011159]
[XPaste.hs: improve author info
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920152342]
[+XMonad.Util.XPaste: a module for pasting strings to windows
gwern0 at gmail.com**20080920152106]
[UrgencyHook bug fix: cleanupUrgents should clean up reminders, too
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080920062117]
[Sketch of XMonad.Config.Monad
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080917081838]
seanmce33 at gmail.com**20080912184830]
[Add missing space between dzen command and flags
Daniel Neri <daniel.neri at sigicom.com>**20080915131009]
[Big DynamicLog refactor. Added statusBar, improved compositionality for dzen and xmobar
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080913205931
Compatibility notes:
- dzen type change
- xmobar type change
- dynamicLogDzen removed
- dynamicLogXmobar removed
[Take maintainership of XMonad.Prompt
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911230442]
[Overhaul Prompt to use a zipper for history navigation. Fixes issue #216
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911225940]
[Use the new completion on tab setting
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911085940]
[Only start to show the completion window with more than one match
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20080908110129]
[XPrompt: Add showCompletionOnTab option
Joachim Breitner <mail at joachim-breitner.de>**20080908105758
This patch partially implements
It adds a XPConfig option that, if enabled, hides the completion window
until the user presses Tab once. Default behaviour is preserved.
TODO: If Tab causes a unique completion, continue to hide the completion
[XMonad.Actions.Plane.planeKeys: function to make easier to configure
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080714153601]
[XMonad.Actions.Plane: removed unneeded hiding
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080714152631]
[Improvements in documentation
Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva <marcot at riseup.net>**20080709002425]
[Fix haddock typos in XMonad.Config.{Desktop,Gnome,Kde}
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080911040808]
[add clearUrgents for your keys
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080909055425]
[add reminder functionality to UrgencyHook
Devin Mullins <me at twifkak.com>**20080824200548
I'm considering rewriting remindWhen and suppressWhen as UrgencyHookModifiers, so to speak. Bleh.
[TAG 0.8
Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen at gmail.com>**20080905195420]
Patch bundle hash:
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