[xmonad] proposal: add extra screen parameter to runLayout

Brent Yorgey byorgey at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 10:37:48 EDT 2008

So, this morning I began hacking up gaps as a LayoutModifier in contrib.  I
didn't get too far before I realized that in order to retain the same
behavior as the current built-in gaps (*per screen* gap configuration), a
layout needs to be able to know on which *screen* it is called!  This is the
point at which I had a profound sense of deja vu, since of course we had the
same issue with PerWorkspace, only with *screen* replaced by *workspace*.

I think, however, this could be useful information for other potential
layouts as well -- I don't have any particular examples in mind, but having
layouts that can behave differently depending on which screen they're on
sounds like it could be useful for more than just per-screen gaps.  So, I
propose to add an extra screen parameter to runLayout and friends (which of
course requires a bunch of trivial updates in contrib, unfortunately).  I'm
happy to do all the work, but I wanted to throw this idea out there first
and see what people think, whether anyone has any better ideas, and so on.

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