[xmonad] starting workspace for each screen

Jesús Guerrero i92guboj at terra.es
Fri Jun 13 04:34:16 EDT 2008


On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 02:58:28 -0500
Spencer Janssen <sjanssen at cse.unl.edu> wrote:
> Try startupHook?  Something like this should work (assuming the default
> workspace names):
>     startupHook = windows (W.view "1" . W.view "8" . W.view "2")

I am probably doing something wrong, but I get no results at all. And I can't see
anything in that code that resembles what I want to do (though my knowledge is very
limited). I think that the keybindings sequence I posted on my other mail was clear
enough, so I guess that I am doing wrong. I include that line on my config this way:

  myStartupHook = windows (W.view "1" . W.view "8" . W.view "2")
  main = xmonad defaults

  defaults = defaultConfig {
	, startupHook = myStartupHook

But I still get the same behavior. When xmonad starts up, workspace 1 goes to
screen 1, and workspace 2 goes to monitor 2. I have no clue about what that line
actually does. It's hard to come by a decent document that explains something useful
about this little details. I have no idea where those W.view, W.shift, and similar
things come from. I think I have to dive a bit more in the xmonad docs and try to
absorb a bit more.

Thanks for pointing me to startupHook. :)
Jesús Guerrero <i92guboj at terra.es>
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