[xmonad] darcs patch: Always float ediff windows

Alec Berryman alec at thened.net
Wed Jan 30 20:37:31 EST 2008

ediff is a popular and widely-used interactive diff/merge mode included
with emacs.  It works by opening up a small window that the user keeps
in focus while using ediff commands like next patch; if the main emacs
window is in focus, none of the ediff key commands are available.  The
small window generally obscures what the user is interested in and is
kept as small and out of the way as possible; by default, it opens up
very tiny in the top right of the screen.

The window is already in way just by existing, but having xmonad try to
manage it really screws things up.  It's in the same class as MPlayer
and GIMP; there's no use case for managing it, so do the right thing by
default and always float it.

I used title instead of className because the className is emacs, and
floating all emacs buffers is definitely not the right thing to do.

Wed Jan 30 18:38:20 EST 2008  Alec Berryman <alec at thened.net>
  * Always float ediff windows

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