[xmonad] new contrib module: XMonad.Layout.Reflect

Brent Yorgey byorgey at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 22:36:15 EST 2008

On Jan 14, 2008 10:31 PM, Don Stewart <dons at galois.com> wrote:

> byorgey:
> >    Hi all,
> >
> >    I've long thought it silly that we have a way to flip layouts on the
> >    diagonal (Mirror), but not a way to flip them horizontally or
> vertically,
> >    e.g. if you wanted the master pane on the right with a Tall layout.
> >    However, I didn't particularly feel the need for this feature
> personally
> >    (no one else did either, apparently) so didn't bother.  Well, today
> >    someone asked how to do this (treadstone on #xmonad) so I thought I'd
> code
> >    it up for fun.  It's quite straightforward and seems to work well
> >    (respecting any and all gaps, can be applied to any layout, etc.).
>  I've
> >    attached a darcs patch; I'm intentionally refraining from pushing it
> since
> >    there's a code freeze on, but figured I'd send it to the list so
> anyone
> >    who likes can test it out (if you don't know how to apply a patch --
> just
> >    save it somewhere, cd into the XMonadContrib directory, and 'darcs
> apply
> >    /path/to/patch').  Questions, comments, and patches welcome.
> >
> I think its ok to push this to contrib.
> I'd even consider a patch for the core to allow reflection on all 4
> sides after 0.6.

OK, I'll go ahead and push it.  Yes, it seems like it would make sense for
this to go in core, along with Mirror -- or, then again, perhaps it would
make sense to take Mirror *out* of core and put it in this module!  Guess it
depends how important people think it is to be able to have Mirror Tile in
the default config.

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