[xmonad] Re: Mouse support in xmonad

Maurí­cio briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 14 11:15:29 EST 2008

gwern0 at gmail.com escreveu:
> On 2008.01.14 10:28:45 -0200, Maurí­cio <briqueabraque at yahoo.com> scribbled 0.3K characters:
>> Hi,
>> Would it be possible to control the mouse
>> using control keys from xmonad? I do imagine
>> some functions a few keys could do that could
>> make mouse control efficient, but I don't
>> know if it's actually possible to do that (I
>> understand nothing about X).
>> Thanks,
>> Maurício
> Depends on what you want to do. There's already some stuff dealing with mice in XmonadContrib, like Warp.hs or MouseGestures.hs.
> --
> gwern
> OADR NSA PPP Security assasinate PARASAR nowhere Kiwi NRL RAID

Interesting. Warp already does almost what
I want.


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