[xmonad] avoidStruts doesnt work

Dominik Bruhn dominik at dbruhn.de
Fri Jan 4 16:38:43 EST 2008

On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 01:59:43PM -0600, Spencer Janssen wrote:
> Try running xprop on the xmobar window.  Do you see _NET_WM_STRUT in the
> output?  If not, you'll need to upgrade xmobar -- I can't remember which
> version added strut support.
As I use xmobar from darcs the output is:
_NET_WM_STRUT(CARDINAL) = 0, 0, 0, 0
So, this is not the solution. As I mentioned above the manageDock-Hook
also avoids managing the xmobar-window so it recognizes it.

Dominik Bruhn
mailto: dominik at dbruhn.de
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