[xmonad] darcs patch: Decoration: fix mouse dragging jump ...

Andrea Rossato andrea.rossato at unibz.it
Fri Feb 8 15:47:02 EST 2008

I'm not so sure if I should push this patch. It works, but I don't
understand why.

If you do, please let me know.


Fri Feb  8 21:41:20 CET 2008  Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato at unibz.it>
  * Decoration: fix mouse dragging jump ...
  ... I don't have a better description... when starting to grab the
  window by clicking on the decoration, you could see the window's
  origin jumping to the pointer position.
  This should be fixed now (but I'm not so sure... please report any
  window's strange movement you may see).
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