[xmonad] Re: A call for themes

Tom Rauchenwald sehnsucht.nach.unendlichkeit at quantentunnel.de
Thu Feb 7 16:35:36 EST 2008

Andrea Rossato
<mailing_list at istitutocolli.org> writes:

> Hi,
> At the present time the prompt will display only the theme name (it
> should be a single word name). But I hope to use the other information
> in the future. So, please add a description and your name/nickname
> too.
> Any suggestion is welcome. Even more if in the form of a darcs patch!
> :)

Here is my theme, feel free to include it if you like it.

> I keep seeing wonderful screen shots, so please share you theme!
> Thanks,
> Andrea

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Url : http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/attachments/20080207/49c8fc7a/oxymor00nTheme.bin
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Then I drew in a breath, and my renewed will with it, lifted the rod
in my right hand, murmured a phrase in a language I didn't know, and
blew the tires off his fucking truck.
        -- Harry Dresden

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