miscommunication (was Re: [xmonad] Issue 132 in xmonad)

Roman Cheplyaka roma at ro-che.info
Sat Feb 2 05:02:26 EST 2008

* Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH <allbery at ece.cmu.edu> [2008-02-01 21:24:46-0500]
> On Feb 1, 2008, at 21:19 , Don Stewart wrote:
>> That way you avoid overwhelming people with the streams of patches
>> that appear. Consider how many people actually need to know
>> about the problem. Do all xmonad subscribers need to know?
> Most active projects have separate -users and -devel lists.  I have  
> myself thought that xmonad was active enough that keeping them combined 
> was likely to annoy both users (who don't want to see, or care about, 
> most of these patches) and developers (who are likely to regard user-type 
> questions/discussions as unnecessary distractions).

I am against this separation.
One thing I really love about xmonad (project, not WM itself) is low
threshold between users and developers.

I think most users are interested in what happens here (new features and
extensions, etc), and if developers do not read -users list (not to
get distracted) who will answer users' questions?

Roman I. Cheplyaka (aka Feuerbach @ IRC)
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