[Xmonad] [SPAM] Response to #55

Eric Mertens emertens at galois.com
Fri Oct 12 00:56:16 EDT 2007


I don't know if anyone else feels the same way about sandboxing
"user-code," but I think that sprinkling catch all over any code that
calls XMonadContrib code is a complete abuse of the catch mechanism. In
my opinion the only exceptions that xmonad should be trying to catch
are those that are truly exceptional errors as thrown by, for example,
X11. Ignoring bad contrib code errors and pretending like they don't
exists seems completely counter to xmonad's goal of being solid, tested

In summary, I feel that there is a difference between not having errors
and ignoring them. Xmonad is still in active development and bad code
should be as visible as possible.

(This has been discussed at length in the IRC channel, but I wanted to
post my position to the mailing list because obviously not all of the
users and developers were present.)
Eric Mertens                                   Phone: 503.626.6616, x155
Galois                                                 Fax: 503.214.8120
12725 SW Millikan Way Ste 290                      http://www.galois.com
Beaverton, OR 97005-1691                             emertens at galois.com
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