[Xmonad] darcs patch: use the right catch in catchX.

David Roundy droundy at darcs.net
Thu Oct 11 21:19:17 EDT 2007

This fixes catchX to now catch all exceptions, rather than
only those which arise from a certain class of IO errors.
This should be applied along with the two patches I sent
previously, and together they ought to handle issue 55.

David (who is thankful that is current setup just lets him
       run without a window manager when xmonad dies, which
       allows him to fix the code and compile a new one)

Thu Oct 11 21:14:50 EDT 2007  David Roundy <droundy at darcs.net>
  * use the right catch in catchX.
  Don't ask *me* why the prelude includes a version of
  catch that is worse than useless (because it lulls you
  into a feeling of safety).

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