[Xmonad] darcs patch: WindowNavigation: add configurable colors
and the poss...
David Roundy
droundy at darcs.net
Wed Oct 3 09:11:37 EDT 2007
On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 11:04:19AM +0200, Andrea Rossato wrote:
> Hi,
> this incorporates both my job and Jamie's patch to turn off navigation
> colors.
> To be applied only with David (and Jamie) approval.
Approved. But I've a few ideas for improvements (see below).
> Wed Oct 3 11:00:17 CEST 2007 Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato at unibz.it>
> * WindowNavigation: add configurable colors and the possibility to turn them off
> +data WNConfig =
> + WNC { showNavigable :: Bool
> + , upColor :: String
> + , downColor :: String
> + , leftColor :: String
> + , rightColor :: String
> + } deriving (Show, Read)
> +
> +defaultWNConfig :: WNConfig
> +defaultWNConfig = WNC True "#0000FF" "#00FFFF" "#FF0000" "#FF00FF"
I definitely vote for a more muted default. I set this gaudy color
arrangement only for the purpose of debugging a situation where a wrong
window was getting colored. I think the original suggester's idea of a
muted red would be reasonable. Even better would be an automatic weighted
average of borderNormal and borderFocussed (as the default). This would
require something like:
data WNConfig =
WNC { showNavigable :: Bool
, averageFocusAndNormal :: Double
, upColor :: String
, downColor :: String
, leftColor :: String
, rightColor :: String
} deriving (Show, Read)
Note that this average idea could be tricky. If both colors are of the
form "#00ff00", then it's easy, we convert to three Ints and back.
Otherwise, I think we'd have to involve X to compute the color values, and
I'm not sure how to do that.
I was also thinking that a couple of exported WNConfigs would be handy:
noNavigateBorders :: WNConfig
navigateColor :: String -> WNConfig
etc. So that in common cases, user won't have to fool with fields of the
I also wouldn't mind (unless we've got a user interested in the multi-color
option) going with a single configurable border color.
In fact, I think it'd be ideal to avoid exporting the WNConfig constructor
at all. But for now, I'd just go with your patch.
David Roundy
Department of Physics
Oregon State University
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