[Xmonad] patch: wmdock script - manage dockable windows using dmenu

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Tue May 29 01:03:24 EDT 2007

> Donald Bruce Stewart wrote:
> >Got a screenshot?
> Sure.
> > [...]
> >Yes, you'd need the trayer to have the override bit set.
> You're probably right, but I've solved it my way - I just mapped a key 
> to "withFocused unmanage" in xmonad and voila :)

On the topic of setting the override-redirect flag, Stefan noted that a
few X apps already let us set that via X resources. I added this to the
FAQ on the webpage:

    xmonad let's you use any application as a 'statusbar', as long as it is
    visible in a given 'gap' on the screen, and has the override-redirect property
    set to true. Many status bar/dock programs already set this property, for
    example, dzen or kicker. To set other applications, you can sometimes use
    normal X resources For example, to use xclock, launch it with

        xclock -digital -xrm '*overrideRedirect: True' -geometry 1024x30+0+0
    And set a gap of (30,0,0,0) in Config.hs.  

Spencer also uploaded a screenshot of using the KDE kicker as a statusbar (!)


Any other thoughts on useful status bar programs, anyone?

-- Don

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