[Xmonad] resizeing xterms

Tim Docker timd at macquarie.com.au
Wed May 23 21:57:42 EDT 2007

losing text:

If I make the window narrower (via xmonad meta-h), the text on the right
hand side is hidden
When I make it wider (meta-l), the hidden text doesn't return, I just
see whitespace.

^L clears the screen, and if I shift-pgup to scroll backwards, the
entire line history has been truncated at the minimum width I narrowed

timd at tcc15:~/src/xmonad$ xterm -version

Don't know if that's modern or not. The distribution is reasonably up to
date, however.

-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Bruce Stewart [mailto:dons at cse.unsw.edu.au] 
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2007 11:45 AM
To: Tim Docker
Cc: xmonad at haskell.org
Subject: Re: [Xmonad] resizeing xterms

> This is not an xmonad question per-se, but...
> In using xmonad my xterms get shrunken and expanded much more often 
> than with a regular window manager. When this happens how do I prevent

> them from losing the text that was hidden by the shrinking? Is there 
> some
losing text? does refresh help (^L) 

> sort of config option - or should I be using an alternative terminal?

I use xterm, and it seems to work fairly well, 'cept that it sometimes
doesn't know its been resized. You're using a modern xterm?

-- Don

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