[Xmonad] Configurable tiling algos

Donald Bruce Stewart dons at cse.unsw.edu.au
Wed May 2 21:41:18 EDT 2007

Regarding configurable tiling, a simple strategy would be to have 
user-specified tiling functions available from Config.hs, of the type

    tile :: Rational -> Rectangle -> [Window] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
    type Tiler =Rational -> Rectangle -> [Window] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]


    myTile :: [Tiler]
    myTile = [someTileAlgo

These functions are then added to the list of algos to cycle through in
mod-space, and would allow custom pure functions.

David, I suspect you actually want 'tile' to live in X, so you can do
window name lookups and so on?

Other than generalising the type a bit, how does this sound, as an
approach to extending the tiling algo set with custom user-written

-- Don

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