[Xmonad] [dzen] dzen gadget: dbar

Robert Manea rob.manea at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 29 09:45:32 EDT 2007


here is another simple gadget that you can use in combination with dzen.

It is a general purpose progressbar, perfectly suited to be used inside your
scripts, that displays the piped in values numerically and in a semi graphical

     -m : Value to be considered 100% (default: 100)
     -w : Number of charcaters to be 
	      considered 100% in the bar  (default: 25 )
     -s : Symbol represeting the 
	      percentage value in the bar (default: =  )
     -l : label to be prepended to 
	      the bar                     (default: '' )

Usage examples:

 1) If your 100% mark changes dynamically:
   echo "50 150" | dbar
         ^   ^
         |   |__ max. value
         |__ value to display

   Output: 33% [========                 ]

 2) Static 100% mark:

   echo 25 | dbar -m 100 -l Sometext

   Output: Sometext  25% [======                   ]

 3) Multiple runs:
    for i in 2 20 50 75 80; do echo $i; sleep 1; done | dbar | dzen2

	Output: Find out yourself.

Have fun, Rob.

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